Dangle - определение. Что такое Dangle
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Что (кто) такое Dangle - определение

Dangles; Dangling; Dangle (disambiguation)

(dangles, dangling, dangled)
If something dangles from somewhere or if you dangle it somewhere, it hangs or swings loosely.
A gold bracelet dangled from his left wrist...
He and I were sitting out on his jetty dangling our legs in the water.
VERB: V prep/adv, V n prep/adv
If you say that someone is dangling something attractive before you, you mean they are offering it to you in order to try to influence you in some way.
They've dangled rich rewards before me.
VERB: V n before/in front of n
1) (d; intr.) to dangle from (his keys dangled from a chain)
2) (d; tr.) to dangle before, in front of (to dangle bait in front of smb.)
I. v. n.
Swing, hang loose, hang pendulous.
Fawn, hang about, be obsequious.
II. v. a.
Swing, make oscillate, wave pendulously.



Dangle, dangler or dangling may refer to:

  • Dangler (plot device), an unresolved plot line in a story
  • Dangle (espionage), an agent of one side who pretends to be interested in defecting to another side
  • Dangle, a type of earring
  • Dangle, in ice hockey, a variety of moves where a player dekes (fakes) out a goalie or player (it originally meant to skate fast with the puck)
  • Dangle, in lacrosse, a complete defeat of a defender or goalie achieved by performing complex stick moves and tricks
Примеры произношения для Dangle
1. and let you dangle me with this
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
2. On that view, consciousness doesn't dangle
3. have to dangle and keep on going.
The Magicians Trilogy _ Lev Grossman _ Talks at Google
4. those things that dangle in the middle of the jungle.
5. can dangle-- a key chain, your phone, whatever that is.
Mo Gawdat _ The Illusion of Control _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Dangle
1. Blair would have let his wrists dangle between his groin.
2. Around her, electric cables dangle dangerously from the ceiling.
3. Bright buoys and fishing lures dangle from silver birch trees.
4. Severed dogs‘ heads dangle from their saddles, a warning to the motherland‘s internal enemies.
5. He could then dangle from the aircraft all the way back to the camp.